Here is our upcoming events schedule, from community meetings to larger decentralization workshops and events.

Over the course of their elected term, The Supervisory Council is engaging with the community during the Decentralization Blueprint design process. Join their workshops to give feedback and collaborate on decentralization at SingularityNET!

Find more information about the Supervisory Council and the Decentralization Task Force on the Who we are page.

Upcoming events
Stay tuned for more decentralization events!

Past events
Dr. Nick Almond leads a collaborative workshop with the Ambassador Program, exploring how people are joining the community, and the challenges associated with onboarding.
See the recording of the third collaboration workshop on the Decentralization Blueprint, with Grace Rachmany from the Supervisory Council!
The second collaboration workshop on the Decentralization Blueprint, with Daniel Ospina from the Supervisory Council!
See the first of three workshops run by the Supervisory Council to collaborate on SingularityNET's decentralization Blueprint! Facilitated by Xhoni Shollaj
Supervisory Council Community Session
The first AMA session with the newly elected Supervisory Council
AMA with Ben Goertzel on the Supervisory Council
Supervisory Council Election and Task Force:
From Blueprint to Full Decentralization
Find out about our first Decentralized Governance Summit from April 2023!
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